Visual Computing - Graph CNNs

March 28, 2024 · 2 minute read ·

In a nutshell

Key Ideas


(Dynamic) Graph CNNs

Naive approach

  • select node, connect to neighbouring nodes
    • distance can be euclidean, but better to use geodesic
    • is a hyperparameter
  • Get a weighted average of neighbouring points
    • with same weight vector, unlike in images

EdgeConv (DGCNN: Layer 1)

  • Each edge has a different weight
  • e_A,v^ = ReLU(MLP(x_A, x_v - x_A))
    • x_v - x_A: Local information about the points around it
    • x_A: Global information
  • Do a max pooling to get h_A = max e_A,v

DGCNN: Layer 2

  • Repeat L1, but use h_A from L1 instead of x_A
    • This acts like a feature representation (like edge, color, shape, texture, etc.)

Automatic Rigging

  • Joints, places where movement happens
  • Skin, places which move together along with the underlying ‘bone’
    • Artists specify how much “influence” a bone has on a specific point on the skin


  • A GCNN which determines skeleton (joints + bones) and then the skin
    1. Network tried to collapse a mesh into itself to create a skeleton (with GMEdgeNet)
    1. Network then clustered the ‘bones’ towards each other to create joints
      • Mean-shift clustering


  • Point Transformers can be thought of as GCNNs!
    • Query/Key + Attention scores is effectively the feature representation
    • make the k in k-nearest neighbours = all of the points

Needs Exploration


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