Informed Search and Heuristics

March 21, 2024 · 3 minute read ·

Key Ideas

  • Exploit additional information about the problem domain itself to find more “promising” nodes
    • Uninformed search only used information from within the problem
  • Evaluation Function f(n)
    • gives a utility value of a node
    • need not be linked to the ease of reaching a goal state
  • Best First Searches
    • Implemented by means of a Priority Queue, in non-decreasing values of f
  • Admissible Heuristics: Never overestimates cost to reach the goal node.
    • h(n) in [0, h*(n)], for every n where h*(n) is the true path cost


  • f(n) = h(n), where h(n) is a heuristic function, and it estimates the cheapest path from node till a goal
  • “Expand the node that appears to be closest to goal”
property value
Complete? Yes (if b is finite)
Optimal No
Time O(b^m), but can be reduced by a good heuristic
Space Max size is O(b^m)
  • Does not encode information about how far we had to actually travel to reach the goal
  • Does not take into account actual distances


  • Heuristics are an estimate of the cost till the goal node
  • f(n) = g(n) + h(n), where g(n) is the actual cost to reach n from start node (via selected nodes so far) and h(n) is the estimated cost of the cheapest path from n to goal
  • “Avoid expanding paths which are already expensive”
    • Sum of subpaths traveled till now might have been cheaper than the proposed option

Theorem: If h(n) is admissible, then A* using Tree-Search is optimal


  • Argument: Intermediary nodes on the optimal path will be checked first before the suboptimal goal
  • Specification: Tree-Search is required, cause Admissibility is a weak condition, and the algorithm may have to revisit nodes to find the optimal path.

Theorem: If h(n) is consistent, then A* using Graph-Search is optimal

Proof: todo


  • Uninformed search can have low space constraints, even if it has exponential time constraints
  • Heuristics point to the closest goal
  • Tree Search: Every node will be added to the frontier, regardless of whether it’s been explored yet
  • Graph Search: Only unexplored nodes will be added to the frontier.

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