Multi Token Generation

March 27, 2024 · 2 minute read ·

Key Ideas

  • At runtime, text generation is sequence of discrete decisions, and a ‘bad’ but more likely decision early on will prevent desired and more likely sequences from being generated


Single token generation (Naive)


  1. Get a prefix
  2. Pass to language model
  3. Softmax over last token produces distribution over the vocabulary
  4. Do some decision on this distribution to select next token
    • e.g. sample, highest probability, etc.

Greedy Decoding

  • Repeat the naive approach postfix-size # of times or at <EOS> token


  • Space of outputs increases exponentially with prefix AND postfix size
  • Cannot arrive at phrases which may have a higher probability together, but of which the first few individual tokens might be uncommon/unlikely
  • Explore several hypotheses by keeping the top k sequences after each decoding step
    • k ideally 5-10
    • Prune all other lower probability branches
  • Stop when all k paths have reached <EOS> token
  • Often, length normalisation on probability calculation is done to prevent unfair advantage for shorter terminated sequences.
  • For sequences with minimum length requirements, can set prob of <EOS> to 0 if it appears prematurely

  • This method will still not guarantee the most probable sequence. A discarded option might have lead to a more probable sequence.
  • k=1 is the same as greedy decoding
  • Low ks yield incorrect outputs
  • High ks yield short/generic outputs, plus is expensive to run

Sampling based Decoding

  • Ancestral sampling: Randomly sample next word at every t steps
  • Top-n-sampling: Randomly sample from truncated probability distribution of n words
  • Nucleus sampling / Top-p-sampling: Randomly sample from truncated probability distribution of top-k words such that sum of probabilities is below p
    • p = 100 is ancestral sampling
    • p = 0 is greedy decoding
  • Generation ends when EOS is sampled or max number of tokens are generated


  • Temperature (t) is used to flatten or sharpen the peaks in a distribution. Flatter distributions will give tailing entries more likelihood.


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