Position Embeddings and Efficient Attention

April 8, 2024 · 3 minute read ·

Key Ideas

  • Position Encodings give the model a notion of order


Embedding Format

Type 1: Absolute Positions q_1 = w_q . (c_1 + p_1)

Fixed Format

  • Allows for arbitrary length input sequences, esp. at test time
  • Practically, the model does not effectively learn this


  • Lets the model figure out the best format to encode this information
  • Cannot be used for longer length sequences at test time than that set at train time

Type 2: Relative Positions

  • Represent every pair of tokens, and measure the relative positions difference between them
  • Could be better suited as input sequences might have variations, and text might be prepended/truncated - changing the absolute positions while keeping the relative position difference the same
  • Cannot be directly added to input embedding (exception: RoPE). Instead, directly modifies the attention matrix


  • Decay the q.k dot products in the attention calculation by the difference in positions
    • Mask = [[0, -inf, -inf, -inf], [-1, 0, -inf, -inf], [-2, -1, 0, -inf], [-3, -2, -1, 0]] * m where m is a ‘magnitude’/’slope’ which is a hyperparameter, and only varies between attention heads
  • Enables extrapolation beyond training sequence length
  • Position information does not affect v

Rotary Position Embeddings (RoPE)

  • Rotate q by angle x. Rotate k by angle y. q.k will only have have information about the relative position difference encoded, not the absolute position diff
  • i.e. f_q(c_4, 4) = q_4, f_k(c_1, 1) = k_1, q_4.k_1 = g(c_4, c_1, 4-1). Find f_q, f_k, g
  • f_q(c_t, t) = R_{theta, t} = [[cos(t*theta) -sin(t*theta)], [sin(t*theta) cos(t*theta)]] where theta is a hyperparameter

Optimized Attention Computation Strategies

Attention calculation is a quadratic complexity operation. This can be improved upon by special consideration.

Flash Attention

  • Rather than storing results of one intermediate operations back into memory and reading them again for the next, create a new operation which does all these steps in one go, saving on wasteful memory I/O operations

Ring Attention

  • Break the attention computation down into chunks, assign a chunks of the subsequence to its own dedicated GPU
  • Forward results to the next GPU, which are all arranged in a grid
  • Eventually, after n forwards (where n is the number of GPUs), every GPU’s memory will have the full attention score for its own subsequence


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